Agitated life

on Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Its just been 7 days from the new calendar year. New days born to remind man kind, new tasks, new path, new discovery awaiting us with every second of the clocks tick. I had rather agitated day as 7 days pass by. I hate 2013 very much, for one sole reason. For me its the year of death. So much death ive seen on the year alone. Terrifyingly many to count off personally. I wished for a peacefull year 2014 to be. But not as its comes by. Early morning yesterday i had a shocking news from my mom. My cousin sisters husband passed away in India while working on a surgery for liver transplant. He was a great guy, nice to chat with, straight to the point and a peacefull looking guy. He had a severe liver detoriation problem for several years. After a donor came up to donate her liver, he the donor and my cousin sis went to India for the transplant. Unfortunately god prefers him to be by his side rather then to wake alive. Whats more sad was he just became a father for a beautifull baby girl.

Sometimes i couldn't really understand why our life is so cruel. Why do we born? Why do we need to spend so little time on this life? Why we had to endure painful life and die in the midst of happiness? Such a bad life indeed.

Dedicated to my bro-in-law Kumaresan Gunalan (1980-2014). Rest in Peace bro!
Thilagam, please be strong! you have to endure the life for the sake of your child.