10th year blogging anniversary

on Saturday, December 27, 2014

Exactly this date, on December 27, 2005  i typed my first blog, its on remembering tsunami. I wrote it like a simple remembrance to the victim and hey! here i am on the same date December 27, 2014.. 10 years from the day i start to blog. I couldn't believe that i have been blogging for freaking 10 years!!!! Wow. Thats a 3652 days of story!! (not exactly, since i didn't blog every single day). However what an achievement it is. I'm so happy that ive utilized the technology of blogging very much.
At any rate, over the years this blog has made me some new friends and in some respects helped get me where I am today. Its been an interesting net journey that i will never going to forget!  

Happy 10th Years anniversary for my blog! and a BIG thank you to all my blog readers !! :)