Psycho for none

on Friday, February 05, 2016

Again im missing to update some important events that went thru very recently.. Lack of time and mental stability.. Yea mental stability.. Why.. first thing first, im waiting for 19th March to get over very very very fast and secondly, im waiting for August this year! For the first reason, please don't ask.. and for the second reason.. change of job!!!!! According to my fortune teller... or should i say my life predictor.. i prefer fortune teller.. Coming august would be a good time for career change for me. And supposingly if i change the job now, i would be doomed.. doomed like really doomed in every way... I tend to think this as a nonsense or just a crap and carry on with my life, but the more i deny it, the more predicaments im seeing as it seems to be more accurate as what the fortune teller predict. So i just give a shot and pray for the fast forward button of my life to be switched on!

argh! mental mental!

p/s: why did i put a picture which has no connection for this post? i have no idea.. just like the way its been phrased hahaha psycho-the-rapist! :P