Dissapeared from action!!

on Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wow... my last post was on August.. Ive been out the whole september... Isnt it horrible.. Yes indeed. Hahahaha... Welll... finally im a married guy with some .. or should i say a person with a whole new experience of tangled unstable begining of life....hahaha.. Hmm how should i summarize the missing parts? To recap.. im married.. went honeymoon to phuket with my wife.. settled down (unstably) at my new house at Kulim Kedah...driving now and then from and to my work..

Well its a bit more hectic to think about.. well thats what im going thru.. hahaha... :)

Deepavali is in the corner..I havent yet start my shopping.. cash is drying out.. and im figuring out how to float from this point.. Just keeping my finger crossed to survive till few more months to come.. as i believe i will be stable by then... hopefully...

Till new posts c ya guys.. :)