Good bye Father!

on Wednesday, June 05, 2013

2nd of June. I thought it would be a normal day on my life. Never knew thats the day i would loss a person called father. I had a preety bad relation with my father. Never did i saw even once a good side of him. Not an evil person, but i never had an absolute bonding like how rest of father and son out there. He is a person on his own term. Hardly loved or cared for the family, Im not saying this to express how degradefull he is, but i understand to a certain extend that this is how he was brought up. Full of luxury without the sense of love & care. So thats how ive been brought up. Whenever i saw anyone with full love and and care for their father, i feel sad as why i been denied such love. Such time i made a promise that i will never make such a scenario to happen for my childrens. Enough is enough as how i had it in my life, i want my sons to feel the love and caring how a father would provide.

He is 65 years old, with a medical history of diabetic and hypertension but withoutany history of heart based complication. His death is due to heartattack. I was beside him as he breathed for the last time. I was on tears during the funeral. For me the tears is not for the love or his affection but rather a sign of thanks for giving me an initial, giving me a symbol, bringing me to this world and of course tears of thinking my mothers situation.. husbandless.

at many times, i thought bad and act bad towards you.
at many times, i raised my voice towards you.
at many times, i acted selfishly ignoring your emotion.
at many times, i disobey you
at many times, i disrespect you
at many times, i hurt your feelings

for all those i can only pray for appologies. I just wish we will meet again some day, some place
and we could make things up..  please forgive me.. and rest in peace.

Your son, Gauthemen.


Ashini said...

Sorry for the lost... :-(